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“ETC – Experiments in Theatre and Cinema” by Mark Bolotin and his organisation Synarcade Audio-Visuals are a series of playful experiments designed to provoke and challenge the way that audiences experience cinema in the 21st Century.

These ‘Fluxus-inspired' experiments question the conventions of cinema and theatre by breaking down the boundaries between the art-forms and between the audience and the screen to create something startlingly new. 

What if the audience could talk to and direct the characters in a film? What if the audience could cut and take home a piece of the projection? etc. etc. etc.

Proof-of-concepts of ETC were shown on December 8th 2021 and in April 2023 (ETC: Breakthrough) at the National Theatre of Parramatta to fantastic industry and audience response.

The ETC concept is now being developed into its first major multimedia show: "Alice: Mother of Cinema" (7-15 June 2024, NIDA).

“ETC – Experiments in Theatre and Cinema" is created by Synarcade Audio-Visuals and supported by the Australia Council for the Arts, the National Theatre of Parramatta, NIDA and the NIDA X initiative. 

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